COR.E Leadership Dynamics™

COR.E Leadership Dynamics™ is the most comprehensive process for mastery in leadership and life.

Ever notice that the best leaders seem to have something intangible? They are confident, decisive, calm, and engaged. COR.E Leadership Dynamics examines the leader you ideally want to be, how you want to lead, and what you want from your life and career. It helps you devise a plan to achieve that which you desire and provides a roadmap to mastery and utilizing your potential to have greater performances and more effective leadership.

Using this program with your Specialist, you will learn to:

  • Understand and implement the COR.E Leadership Dynamics process into your work and professional life.
  • Develop confidence, feel it during all your interactions, and keep it in the aftermath of adversity.
  • Create a mastery mindset that attracts success.
  • Create long-term, powerful goals and short-term strategies that work toward the future AND have an immediate effect on performance and leadership.
  • Remove distractions in order to develop concentration, focus, alertness, decision-making abilities, and other attributes of successful leaders.
  • Create a network and team for success.
  • Create a philosophy/life perspective that resonates with high energy in order to create success in all aspects of life.
  • Create your Success Formula (your personalized, unique way of maximizing your performance and leadership ability).

COR.E Leadership Dynamics is a systematic and comprehensive program to build and use a leader’s capacity and potential in order to optimize performance in all aspects of life and work. The system incorporates 10 Disciplines for high performance; these disciplines form a foundation for living and leading that create a powerful state of awareness and a positive attitude. The program allows leaders to take back control over their performances, which keeps them engaged in what they are doing, and brings them a continual level of enjoyment and satisfaction, along with the key ingredients for peak performance.

COR.E Leadership DynamicsTM integrates a knowledge base with the use of an assessment and a learning process that facilitates the ability to lead in whatever area of life they would like to feel more successful, satisfied, and engaged.

Imagine this... what might be possible if you…

  • were more aware
  • were more confident
  • were more consistent
  • were more connected to others and self, and
  • had access to systematic, repeatable approach to mastering leadership?

Contact us to learn how you can increase your leadership potential today.

Mastering COR.E Leadership Dynamics

Your Leadership Mastery Blueprint:

The 5 Components of the COR.E Leadership Dynamics System

These 5 core components are critical in unlocking your true leadership potential. It truly doesn’t matter if you’re an entrepreneur looking for a bit more satisfaction and enjoyment in your business, or if you’re a CEO looking to attain the level at which you know full well you are capable of performing. Whatever your position or profession, these components are the bedrock on which your performance is based.

Component 1 – Creating Your “Game Plan”

Most leaders are looking for something more out of their performance or their work life, but they either don’t know exactly what that “something” is or have only defined part of the goal and not the complete picture. Without this clarity and complete vision, you can struggle to reach the level of performance you’re looking for—and even when you reach a goal, you may still feel like something is missing. Any of this can lead to uncertainty, lack of confidence in decision-making, lack of fulfillment and enjoyment, or feeling constantly bored or consistently uneasy.

In this component of the program, you will:

  • Understand the basis and foundation of COR.E Leadership Dynamics
  • Create a vision with specific goals
  • Build out your approach and your program
  • Identify your baseline for performance potential using what will become one of your best assets, the SCOPE assessment
  • Optional: Experience the eye-opening Energy Leadership Index assessment and debrief

Component 2 – Establishing Your Energy & Performance Foundation

Understanding the nature of energy (in all its forms) will help leaders to develop more day-to-day consistency. One’s talent and level of competency do not change from day to day or even moment to moment; it’s the leader’s energy that is constantly changing.

By understanding the nature of the energy of performance, a leader can take steps to proactively create consistent experiences to lead to the probability of desired outcomes (we can’t guarantee the outcome itself—but we can set you up to be as well positioned as you can in order to achieve it).

In this component of the program, you will:

  • Explore mastery and what it means to be a master
  • Dive into understanding the energy of performance
  • Learn and begin to face what blocks energy (and thus significantly holds back your performance potential)
  • Become aware of how you think, feel, and act, so that you can break through any limiting thoughts and undesired reactions

Component 3 – Finding and Harnessing Your Performance Influencers

How do you make real, meaningful, and intentional changes in the moment in a manner that either redirects your momentum to get back on track or further enhances your energy when things are going well? This component helps you understand how to solve issues in real time.

You will understand how to solve issues in the moment. You’ll begin to develop a personal success formula that you can apply as needed to capitalize on your strengths, traits, preferences, and attitude. This dramatically improves the repeatability and consistency of your performance.

In this component of the program, you will:

  • Discover the 6 energy influencers that most affect your performance
  • See, feel, and understand exactly how much these influencers detract from your ability to perform at your current capacity
  • Learn how to create shifts for yourself that produce high levels of energy in the moment
  • Create action plans and determine which intervention strategies work best for you to bring about your ideal performance state

Component 4 – Mastering the 10 COR.E Disciplines

Where does resistance, lack of motivation or confidence, sabotaging self-talk, and other hexes that plague leaders come from?

The world’s greatest leaders get their calm, cool demeanor from a frame of mind, perspective, or attitude that unleashes their full potential. They have developed an approach that keeps their motivation high, their resiliency strong, and their ability to spot opportunities sharp.

This component reveals the 10 COR.E Disciplines that are instrumental to bringing out your ideal leadership performance state.

In this component of the program, you will:

  • Learn and practice the 10 COR.E Disciplines
  • Create a life and leadership philosophy, based on these disciplines, that unleashes your energy, potential, and performance
  • Discover a “way of being” that’ll be instrumental to bringing out your ideal performance state and your true potential

Component 5 – Optimizing Your Success Formula

One of the key elements to understand AND embrace: what worked yesterday may not work today, nor should it. You need to know how to evolve your approach building upon what’s working, modifying as you go, and eliminating the elements that no longer serve you.

Understanding what is and is not working can be complex. What appears to work or not work may be obvious or it could be much deeper and systemic. This is where the real optimization comes from – by knowing what’s at the core of your performance, you can continually focus on cause instead of effect, and build your potential for the long-term.

It’s time for you to lead as you’ve never led before!

Book a Strategy Session

If you’re considering working with a COR.E Leadership Dynamics Specialist, the best place for you to begin is with a Strategy Session.

Whether you ultimately pursue mastering COR.E Leadership Dynamics in a group or one-to-one relationship with your Specialist, the program must fit your unique needs, goals, and vision. This Strategy Session will help you begin to form a more complete vision for how you will practice, approach, and master your game.

Packages start at $649
Schedule your Discovery Session to learn more

‘If We Practice Being Spectacular Long Enough, Spectacular Will Become Our Way of Being.’ – Robin Sharma

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